Team Leader for KfW “Drought Resilience in the Karamoja sub-region”
Project description
The project objective is that “Settled and migrating livestock keepers have improved production base and drought resilience”.
The project is to support remedying the core problem through investments in water storage infrastructure (earth dam, valley tanks), improvement of services for livestock producers, proper operation and maintenance (O&M) of infrastructure and sustainable watershed / water resources management. The foreseen project duration is 72 months, with a 4-year preparation and construction phase and a less consulting-intensive 2-year O&M phase.
To reach the project’s objective and fulfil the social safeguard standards (participation, FPIC), technically the project (and thus the IC) has two main fields of action (apart from general project management tasks):
a) Infrastructure and other investment activities (“engineering”) and
b) participatory processes (“soft measures and safeguards”).
Job description
Essential tasks of the consultant team:
a.Detailed design of water storage infrastructure, elaboration of related tender documents for contractors
b.Set-up of overall and annual work plans
c.Financial and procurement management (financial plans, procurement plan, operations manual etc)
d.Elaboration of an appropriate O&M concept for the water storage infrastructure (funding and implementation)
e.Elaboration of Terms of Reference for ESIA/ESMP consultant, and supervision of related activities
f.Supervision of contractor works
g.Contracting of NGOs and other service providers for the implementation of soft measures and safeguards, and oversight/monitoring of their activities
h.Guaranteeing the application and fulfilment of relevant KfW Guidelines; correspondent advice to MWE
i. Contract management, project public relations, regular M&E, reporting, backstopping and other general issues.
The TL should have the following qualifications and competences:
•Postgraduate university degree in a discipline of hydrotechnical-, structural-, civil or water engineering
• At least 10 years of practical professional experience in areas such as civil engineering and dam design, water resource management
• Distinct experience in social and environmental safeguards and management;
•Experience as team leader / coordinator / project manager preferably in similar comprehensive long-term project assignments;
•Work experience with donor-funded projects; experience with Development Banks such as the German Financial Co-operation would be a strong asset;
•Work experience in countries with similar socio-economic conditions, especially in the east African region.
Contact person
Girolama Orlando
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