The GFA Energy department successfully published two studies on the clean cooking sector in Ethiopia: “Assessment of Cooking Technologies & Investment Climate in the Cooking Sector in Ethiopia” and “Assessment of Electric Cooking (E-cooking) status in Ethiopia & Possible Support Potentials.” Results and findings were presented in two webinars on the 14th and 15th of February 2022.
GFA experts conducted a field household survey in Addis Ababa and eight regional states. Nine major towns in the selected states (generally the state capitals), nine small towns, and 18 rural settlements participated in 36 focus group discussions. We also interviewed governmental organizations, non-governmental organizations, development partners, and private sectors stakeholders such as manufacturers, suppliers, and retailers.
The survey was conducted by the enumerators under the supervision of the national experts Eyasu Chiroka and Abiy Tamerat and had five components:
- Household energy survey: the household energy survey was conducted in 2,085 households using the mobile survey apps Kobo Toolbox and Kobo Collect.
- Focus Group Discussions (FGD): group discussions were held in each settlement to collect qualitative data on household cooking habits, energy, and stoves used. The questions focused on fuels, stoves, and spaces used for cooking and baking in households; awareness of ICS and CCS; and gender relations within households related to cooking.
- Key Informant Interviews (KII): discussions were held with relevant regional and local institutions to gather data on clean cooking and activities related to e-cooking.
- Survey of ICS and CCS stove manufacturers and suppliers: a sample survey of improved/clean cook stove manufacturers and suppliers was made in the surveyed settlements.
- Traditional fuel measure conversion, fuel price survey: the weights and prices for the conventional units were collected from a sample of measurements.
The E-cooking study includes an assessment of the status and potential for e-cooking in Ethiopia. It provides strategic recommendations for GIZ EnDev to support the sector by considering benefits, costs, enablers, and barriers to e-cooking. The team lead is David Beritault, supported by the national experts Getnet Tesfaye and Belay Cherkos.
#Ethiopia #ClimateChange #Ecooking @GIZ