Posted on 4 May, 2022 by Anja Desai

GFA Consulting Group is an important employer for the city of Hamburg with around 340 employees in the city, and in total, 1,430 employees worldwide. GFA is always included in the Top 200 Employers in Hamburg, published by the newspaper Hamburger Abendblatt. In 2021, GFA ranked 194th.

On April 25, Dr. Andreas Dressel (SPD), Hamburg's Finance Senator and Member of the Hamburg Parliament for Alstertal/Walddörfer, visited GFA headquarters in Hamburg Volksdorf to find out about the work done by the organization. GFA Consulting Group relies on experienced Hamburg employees for its work in international cooperation projects. “Our international partners are keen to listen and learn from experienced Hamburg advisors to benefit their global project," explained Anja Desai, GFA Managing Director.

Dr. Dressel was particularly interested in hearing about the GFA’s cooperation in the Hamburg Network Renewable Energy Hamburg, of which GFA has been a member since 2021. Dr. Daniel Wahby, Head of the GFA Climate & Energy Cluster, gave a brief overview of GFA's climate & energy activities and how GFA can leverage its international experience and networks in the cluster.

The German government (BMWK) is increasingly promoting the expansion of green hydrogen. There are high hopes for future international production of green hydrogen. As the youngest company of the GFA Group, H2Global Advisory GmbH currently advises and supports the launch of the H2Global Foundation in Hamburg and its subsidiary HINT.CO GmbH. The goal is the timely market ramp-up of green hydrogen. Timo Bollerhey, Managing Director of H2Global Advisory, explains the H2Global finance mechanism, "HINT.CO determines the supply and demand for green hydrogen through an auction-based competitive dialogue. The federal government provides substantial funding to compensate for price differences, especially during market ramp-up. This increases investment security and financing capability of new projects, which is necessary to bring green hydrogen to the market in sufficient quantities.

Technical innovations alone are not enough to achieve energy transition - the economy also needs a well-trained workforce in this sector. This is where TVET Hamburg comes in, an initiative of the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce, GFA, and the Hamburg Institute for Vocational Education and Training (HIBB).  Inke Hase, GFA Head of Education, Skills & Employment Department, summarizes the tasks of the organization, "TVET Hamburg combines the experience of the three institutions in system development, organization, and quality assurance in vocational training. With the Green TVET School, founded in 2021, TVET Hamburg has developed a unique digital learning provider with a content focus on renewable energy and energy efficiency."

#Greenhydrogen #GruenerWasserstoff

Press release German (PDF)