Study tour from Kosovo to Endingen - how does municipal climate protection work?
A delegation of 54 people from Kosovo, consisting of mayors and municipal energy managers, visited the cities of Freiburg, Endingen and Denzlingen, Germany during 15-18 and 22-25 October. The aim of the study visits was to display the cities’ experience in municipal climate protection and energy efficiency to serve as practical guideline and application example for Kosovan municipalities. The visits form part of GFA’s endeavors to support municipalities in the Republic of Kosovo in elaborating and executing their municipal energy efficiency actions plans (MEEAPs) in the framework of the EU-funded project “Support on Implementing the 3rd Energy Package with Focus on Energy Efficiency and Renewables“. Among other things, the delegations learned about climate protection management on municipal level, renewable energy and energy efficiency activities in the field of mobility, administration and local companies. A third study visit is scheduled for November 2018 to finalize the study program. The BadischeZeitung reported on this exchange.