Design, monitoring and results reporting for EU projects and programs
The purpose of the project was to provide methodological and analytical support to the European Commissions Directorate-General for International cooperation and Development (DG DEVCO) Unit 04 - Results, evaluation and business processes in its efforts to improve quality and accountability of external assistance. The team of long term experts was based in Brussels and worked in close collaboration (partially as Intramuros within DEVCO premises) with the unit, covering the whole program cycle, in particular:
Design: Support to the thematic units in the definition of their indicator guidance for each type of program.
Formulation and Identification: Long term and short term experts supported the quality control of logframe and indicators of all action documents submitted to review by DEVCO. The team was also in charge of setting up and managing the IT system where all documents are shared.
Implementation: The team was in charge of the methodology for Results Oriented Monitoring (ROM) and for results reporting.
Transparency and accountability: The team was directly in charge of the results section of the annual report of DEVCO, where all results data were summarised and presented to the public.
Learning and lessons learnt: A series of workshops, seminars and webinars awere organized by the team to transfer the knowledge acquired during monitoring and evaluation activities to internal staff. Regional workshops were organized in collaboration with the evaluation team.
The team was also responsible for steering the development of monitoring, evaluation and results functions of the companys new internal IT system - OPSYS.