Innovations for agricultural productivity
The module objective of the measure was to improve incomes for small-scale farms, employment and the regional supply of food in selected parts of Ethiopia in the Oromia Region by innovations in the agriculture and food sector. The project contributed to the BMZ special initiative One World – No Hunger and the Ethiopian Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP) by providing tried-and-tested agricultural innovations for small farms. By disseminating innovations in the prioritized value chains (wheat and faba beans) it aimed at enhancing the productivity of small farms. The range of innovations were focused on the following aspects:
- Good agricultural practices,
- provision of agricultural inputs (seed, fertilizer, plant protection products),
- mechanization of agricultural production,
- self-organisation of agricultural producers,
- investment in value chains.
The lead executing agency is the Ethiopian Ministry of Agriculture (MoA, Agricultural Extension Directorate) and the approach is to strengthen existing organizations and structures as partners in the dissemination of innovations. On the government side these are the national agricultural advisory services and the agricultural administration bodies, on the farmers’ side the cooperatives, farmers’ groups and other associations and on the private-sector side Farm Service Cen-tres (FSCs) or other private agricultural traders and service providers, contractors for machinery services and processors. In the identification of innovations, emphasis is placed on those that are effective and ready for up-scaling and also have high impact on productivity, incomes and employment.
The project is implemented via three fields of activity: up-scaling of innovations to cover the target group, strengthening services and service providers, and strengthening value chain actors, networks and impact in the political sphere.
The target group comprises small family farms and employees of upstream and downstream businesses in the wheat and faba bean value chains in initially five woredas (districts) of Arsi Zone in the Oromia Region of Ethiopia.