Reducing risk-factors for Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs)

SDC, 2020 - 2025
Contract value: 10,137,708 CHF

The overall objective of the project is to reduce non-communicable (NCD)-related risk factors, morbidity and mortality in the Ukrainian population. Therefore, the proposed interventions in the project will focus on policy and community approaches to reduce alcohol and tobacco consumption, address the importance of physical activity and balanced diet, and increase public awareness of the risks associated with obesity in the general population as well as in specific target populations. In parallel with these prevention-related activities, the project will also strengthen primary health care (PHC) capacity for both prevention and management of NCDs. Although cancers and CRDs are not directly addressed by the project, by focusing on common risk factors and strengthening PHC capacity, the project will indirectly benefit the prevention and management of these conditions. Project implementation will focus specifically on three outcomes to strengthening the capacity of

  1. national and regional health authorities to contribute to the implementation of the NCD NAPs,
  2. primary health care providers to ensure efficient and quality services for the prevention and care of people with NCDs, and
  3. communities.

While the first two outputs focus on building the capacity of schools and the education sector, outputs 3-6 focus on strengthening the public health system and communities in their ability to implement clear interventions and campaigns.


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