Strengthening of the capactities of the Lake Victoria Basin Commission of the East African Community

GIZ, 2022 - 2024
Contract value: 1,142,332 EUR

The GIZ module Strengthening of the capactities of the Lake Victoria Basin Commission (LVBC) of the East African Community is integrated into the existing development cooperation program Support for the East African Society of Nations (EAC) of German development cooperation. Its overarching objective is to deepen the economic and social integration of the EAC partner countries. The GIZ  module includes three output objecttives: 

  • Output 1: Strengthen the capacities of the EAC Secretariat to create framework conditions for the integrated transboundary Water Resource Management (WRM) in the partner countries.
  • Output 2: Strengthen the capacities of the LVBC Secretariat to carry out its core functions in the area of Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM)
  • Output 3: Strengthen the cooperation between the LVBC and the key actors in the partner countries of the Lake Victoria Basin in the area of IWRM

GFA is responsible for achieving the targets of output 2 and output 3 implemented at the LVBC Secretariat, including the relevant outputs and output indicators. Additionally, GFA provides specific STE inputs in support to GIZ realising output 1, which is implemented at the EAC-Secretariat. GFA provides consulting services to the LVBC-Secretariat in Kisumu, Kenya, and to a limited extend to the EAC Secretariat in Arusha. The consulting services are provided in collaboration with the LVBC technical team to water sector institutions at the regional and national levels, i.e. ministries responsible for water, their department for WRM / Transboundary Water Management (TWM), national River Basin Organisation (RBO) in the Lake Victoria Basin.



Resources and Waste Management


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