Supporting the assessment of the role of Green Bonds in EECCA countries
GFA supports OECD by providing support for the assessments of the role that green bond markets in EECCA countries can realistically play in financing long-term green infrastructure investments. This will be achieved by:
- Analysing the level of development of (debt) capital markets in light of feasibility of introducing green bonds in selected EECCA countries, including the six EU Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Ukraine) and Kazakhstan;
- Identifying barriers to and opportunities for introducing green bonds in the local capital markets, and
- Identifying the role governments could play to support the development of the green bonds market in the region with the objective to unlock additional resources of finance for green investment.
This project is being conducted as part of the European Union-funded “European Union for Environment” (EU4Environment) Programme and co-funded by Germany’s Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, provided through its International Climate Initiative.