Online learning environment for Senegalese youth
Based on the mandate from GIZ, GFA, together with its Senegalese partner Volcano, a local digital innovation start-up, has developed the online training environment for Senegalese youth, DEFARU.
Here, young people between the ages of 15 and 35 can access free, self-paced MOOCs on soft skills such as communication, work ethic and career management. We are currently working on expanding the focus to other topics relevant to the target group.
To date (May, 2024), 3,273 young Senegalese have accessed the online learning environment, with more than 58% of participants completing at least one module and 27% finalizing all three modules. Participants rated the modules as "relevant to their employability" and reported that they had changed their attitudes at work or in their social interactions.
Contract value: 4.118.994 EUR (Phase 1) and 3.648.569 EUR (Phase 2)