Working with GFA in a framework Contract
In the context of its FWC activities, GFA is continually looking for highly qualified, experienced and dedicated professionals with a varied mix of operational and technical skills.
The EU Framework Contract (FWC) is a special tool put in place by EuropeAid Cooperation Office to facilitate the implementation of its external aid. Its overall objective is to provide fast-acting technical assistance, which can be mobilized at very short notice. The specific objective of the FWC is to provide, via individual assignments, the whole range of possible aid development services, from identification of EU aid support, to final evaluation, via specific implementation. Typically, the deadline to submit an offer for an individual assignment is very short (2 to 4 weeks) and mobilization of experts and teams takes place at short notice too. The duration of individual assignments ranges from a few weeks to three years.
The expertise may be required at any stage of the project cycle and may cover any sector(s) within a lot. The services provided can include: Analytical studies (e.g. feasibility studies, institutional/stakeholder analysis, political and economic analysis, climate risk assessments, intervention logic and logical framework approach/theory of change, economic analysis data collection and analysis, performance measurement and indicators, monitoring and evaluation systems). This will also include the mainstreaming of crosscutting issues (climate change, environment, resilience, youth, gender, disabilities and a more broadly rights based approach), analysis of legislation, regulations and law enforcement, legislative gap analysis, etc. policy-related analysis (e.g. gender analysis, “do-no-harm” and conflict-sensitivity analysis, assessment of religious dynamics), and design. Further inclusion of the mainstreaming of crosscutting issues, technical inputs (e.g. technical annexes for works and supplies), evaluation of offers, assessment of grant proposals, evaluations (e.g. mid-term, final and ex-post, impact evaluations), public financial management, investment financing, capacity development and institutional strengthening, training and research, awareness-raising (incl. information and communication).
Since 2001, GFA has been involved in managing EU Framework contracts and gained a sound track record in the coordination and implementation of such projects and studies, either as Lead Company or as a Consortium Partner. Since June 2018 GFA is an EU Framework contractor in the following lots:
- Lot 2: Infrastructure, sustainable growth and jobs
Indicative budget over 4 years: € 155 m
Role of GFA: consortium partner - Lot 3: Human Rights, Democracy and Peace
Indicative budget over 4 years: € 154 m
Role of GFA: Lead company - Lot 4: Human Development and Safety Net
Indicative budget over 4 years: € 73 m
Role of GFA: Lead company - Lot 5: Budget Support
Indicative budget over 4 years: € 63 m
Role of GFA: consortium partner
If you would like to become part of our dedicated pool of experts for one or more lots of this FWC, please send your up-to-date CV in English and/or French and/or Spanish, and/or Portuguese, using the standard EU CV formats (see below), and indicate which lots you are interested in. Your CV and contact details will be included in our CV database and we will contact you as soon as we receive a specific FWC service request from the EU corresponding to your field of expertise. Please read our consent to the use of private data and the GFA DATA PRIVACY.
>> Download standard EU CV template (Word) ENGLISH | FRENCH | SPANISH | PORTUGUESE
Please send your CV to
The FWA is a new instrument of KfW Development Bank (KfW) for the procurement of project preparatory studies and assessments in those countries characterized by crisis and fragility. This particular setting required a change in orientation for the Financial Cooperation (FC), which needed to surpass the “traditional” project cycle and newly adapt to a complex context via streamlining measures. Therefore, KfW has conceived of this new instrument for the preparation and early implementation of projects/programs characterized by a high term of flexibility and adaptability to the specific challenges enabling the provision of standardized high quality information for decision making processes that lead to efficient and sustainable implementation.
In a challenging scenario characterized by a precarious situation of the target groups, fast-changing conditions and the need to quickly commit and allocate funds, there is an emergent need for the FWA intended as a “fast track” mechanism to enable:
- The efficient mobilization of experts and to accelerate the preparation of highly qualitative inputs;
- Developing the specialization of consulting services through long-term engagement;
- The provision of clearly structured and standardized analysis for a challenging context
- The activation of sequential study modules independent of each other.
The geographical scope recognized by the BMZ encompasses fragile states with an elevated potential for escalation divided into three regions:
- Middle East & Afghanistan & Pakistan
- Africa Francophone
- Africa Anglophone
The procured services concern following five modules:
- Pre-feasibility studies
- Environmental and social due diligence analysis (ESDD)
- Institutional analysis of designated project executing agencies (PEA)
- Peace and Conflict Assessment (PCA)
- Target Groups and Project-Affected People assessment (ATG-PAP)
In the following six sectors: water, energy, transport, health, education and peace building, crisis prevention and promotion of social coherence.
Please open the document " KfW FWA at a glance " for more information.
If you would like to become part of our dedicated pool of experts for one or more modules of this FWA, please send your up-to-date CV in English and/or French, using the standard KfW CV format (see below), and indicate which Module you are interested in. Your CV and contact details will be included in our CV database and we will contact you as soon as we receive a specific Request for Offer from KfW corresponding to your field of expertise.
Please read our consent to the use of private data
Please use the CV template below and send us your CV to
> Download KfW FWA CV template
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