Water, Sanitation & Waste Management

Learn more about our specialized knowledge and projects in the area of water, sanitation & waste management at this link.

Afrim Kalanderi

Afrim Kalanderi is the Director of the Water, Sanitation & Waste Management Department. He has 20 years of professional experience in the management of water, sanitation and waste management projects within the context of development cooperation. He holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration, from the Freie Universität Berlin, with a focus on development finance. His international experience began with the management of financial operations for four water companies within a World Bank project in Albania. He has held responsibility in various institutional strengthening projects to lead multidisciplinary teams in implementing performance improvement measures in areas of water supply and sanitation in different parts of the world.

Wolfgang Hützen

Wolfgang Hützen is a Portfolio Manager in the Water Supply, Sanitation, and Waste Management Department. He holds a double degree in International Agriculture and Sustainable Environmental Management and joined GFA Consulting Group in 2010. During his professional career, he worked as a water supply and sanitation specialist and team leader in multiple rural development, municipal improvement, and water supply and sanitation programs across East Africa, the Middle East, and Eastern Europe.


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