Earth Day celebration in Prespa National Park in Albania
Earth Day is celebrated worldwide on April 22, 2019. It aims at raising awareness about the importance of nature and sensitizing institutions and communities accordingly. In protected areas throughout Albania, a variety of activities took place within this framework, part of which were supported by the KfW-financed Prespa project.
A school initiative in the villages of Goricë e Vogël and Pustec organized Earth Day events in keeping with the motto "For a Clean Prespa - The future is in our hands" to raise the communities' awareness and support cleaning the areas of RAPA Korce and Pustec Municipality. Some of the activities implemented were symbolic planting of flowers in schools, area cleaning, waste separation and composting, and an awareness campaign by school children.
Earth Day activities are a starting point for further environmental education activities planned within the framework of the Prespa Transboundary Reserve Project. The development project of the Republic of Albania is co-financed by the Federal Republic of Germany through KfW Development Bank, and is implemented by GFA and INCA Albania.
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