GFA published first sustainability report to the UN Global Compact
Since February 2018, GFA has been a signatory to the ten principles of the UN Global Compact (UNGC) for Sustainable Development. With this, GFA committed itself to continuous improvements in its internal and external sustainability management. In February 2019, GFA has submitted its first communication on progress (COP) report to UNGC, which can be viewed on the websites of UNGC and of GFA.
The COP Report 02/2018 to 02/2019 builds on GFA’s corporate sustainability strategy, which resulted of a series of internal world café and idea workshops held during 2017. The discussions involved a significant number of GFA’s employees focusing on five action fields: corporate governance, climate protection, resource protection, staff satisfaction and loyalty as well as social commitments.
Result indicators for each action field are to be defined and quantified during 2019 and then measurement of outcomes will be included in GFA’s forthcoming COP report 02/2019 to 02/2020. This is our next important step to reach the active level classification as signatory of UNGC.