Madagascar: Improvement of water supply
In October 2016, GFA Bridges launched a project to improve the water supply, sanitation and public hygiene in the village of Amboniarivo. The village is located in the rural area of Tulear, about 240 km south-west of Antananarivo, the capital city of Madagascar. As the village has about 475 inhabitants but no water supply at all, children in particular are suffering from waterborne diseases. The new water supply system installed by the local community will benefit the entire village and neighboring communities as well. GFA Bridges finances the purchase and transport of all required materials to the construction site. The community supports the construction of the pipeline with manpower to connect the village to the main water pipe along the road.
This project is supported by Jaona Andriamampierika, GFA team leader of the Fiscal Agent of the Global Fund in Burundi. She was born and grew up in Amboniarivo where she has supported a few development projects in the past.