The Facility « Investing for Employment » is an investment mechanism for job creation, providing competitive grants to co-finance public or private projects in its eight partner countries in Africa, in-cluding Ghana. The Facility is part of the Special Initiative on Training and Job Creation of the German Federal Min-istry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). Operating under the brand Invest for Jobs, the Special Initiative aims to create good jobs and apprenticeships and to improve working conditions in its partner countries in Africa.
The economy of Ghana has been growing steadily in recent years and the country continues to be a major recipient of foreign direct investment. The government plans to further improve the regulatory environment, and the Industrialization Agenda as well as the growing manufacturing sector offer several business opportunities.
The Facility wants to promote the labour market in Ghana by providing financial and technical support to project leaders in order to boost the economy, generate long-term jobs and encourage continuous training.
More information on this initiative can be retrieved on the website.
Read the complete press release about The Facility « Investing for Employment » announces the launch of the first official call for proposals in Ghana: PDF, Englisch | PDF, German | PDF, French