Health Department
Learn more about our specialized knowledge and projects in the area of health at this link.

Eva Schildbach is the Director of the Health Department since January 2023. After completing her Master in Public Health / Health Promotion at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in 2001, she embarked on a professional career in the health sector of international development cooperation. She has worked both as a public health specialist and in managerial roles for projects in Asia and Africa for various clients. Originating from the field of promoting the health of young people, she is now overseeing a health portfolio that covers all aspects of health systems strengthening in Asia, Africa and Europe.

Tobias Hoffarth is a Portfolio Manager in the Health Department, where he oversees the health sector project acquisition and implementation of GIZ, EU, Global Fund, Gavi and SDC-funded health strengthening projects across Africa, Asia and Europe. He has provided advisory and project management services for various long- and short-term assignments within development cooperation projects focusing on health governance, health financing and health promotion. His academic background includes a Master of Public Health from the University of Edinburgh and a Master´s in International Political Economy from the University of Warwick.

Yoryos Pönnighaus is a Portfolio Manager in the Health Department, overseeing the acquisition and implementation of KFW, ADB, AFD and EIB-funded public health strengthening projects across Africa and Asia, with a particular focus on feasibility studies and procurement. He has over fifteen years of experience across a variety of focus areas, including corporate law, epidemiological research and public health project implementation. Yoryos has a law degree from Cambridge, an MBA from Cape Town and a MSc in Public Health from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Bilingual in English and German, Yoryos is also fluent in French with significant experience of consulting on public health projects in Central and Western Africa.
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