Under the Financial Sector Development (FSD), Backstopping Mandate, GFA Consulting Group supports the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), in cooperation with Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation. The support of the SDC by GFA is through knowledge management, strategy development and capacity building in all fields relevant for SDC’s work in FSD worldwide.
Under the Backstopping Mandate, the team developed the new SDC Financial Sector Development Guidance, a state-of-the-art document that guides SDC in designing and implementing FSD interventions with focus on financial inclusion as a driver of the Sustainable Development Goals. It defines the SDC’s objectives and operational principles in FSD, explains key concepts that are important for understanding and overcoming persisting bottlenecks to financial inclusion with elaboration on tools and measures that SDC can deploy in its FSD projects.
The development process built on institution-wide interviews took up on industry changing concepts and international best practices with the additional benefit from a review by Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP). Besides serving SDC staff to design and implement FSD projects in SDC’s target countries, the document will also help SDC to position itself within peer-donors and accentuate its unique strengths towards complementarities of actions and the use of synergies in FSD interventions.
It is a great feeling to have contributed to this highly relevant document that may help a little bit to ”Leave No One Behind“.
Financial Sector Guidance SDC (PDF)
@SDC #Finance #CGAP #FSD