Strategic and technical support in Financial Sector Development (FSD)
This project is "Lot 3: Strategic and technical support in Financial Sector Development (FSD)" of the "Backstopping services for the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation’s (SDC) Thematic Cluster Inclusive Economic Development (IED)"
Under the Backstopping Mandate (BSM), GFA contributes to the expansion of the capacity of SDCs Cluster IED and other SDC operational units in the field of Finacial Systems Development (FSD). Through its thematic and methodological competence, the BSM supports the quality work of the IED team in its core processes by providing specialised technical expertise in FSD, but also on general issues that will benefit the whole thematic cluster with communication support services. The overall objective of the BSM is defined as follows:
1. Strengthen the FSD competences of SDC staff and other relevant stakeholders.
2. Foster knowledge management and organisational learning in the field of FSD within SDC.
3. Promote the creation of innovative instruments and approaches.
4. Provide on demand advisory services and support for an effective communication on SDC practices towards interested stakeholders – including other donor agencies – and the general public.
5. Enhance the delivery efficiency of the Cluster IED towards its clients and to contribute in this way to new partnerships, a higher understanding and acceptance of SDC strategies and operations, and more and better interventions in the areas of FSD.