The GIZ Reform of the Water Sector II program in Lusaka and Luapula provinces is implemented by GFA to improve working conditions for transparent planning and implementation processes in securing water and sanitation services and skills development in this sector. The program supports Lusaka City Council to develop four Local Area Plans in peri-urban areas of Lusaka. The provision of a local subsidy facility supports local area planning development and community engagement. The plans drawn up with partners from the city administration will enable the definition and implementation of tangible measures to improve sanitation in selected areas with a focus on peri-urban areas.
GFA supports the development of a Joint Action Plan which will improve coordination and data exchange on joint activities and measures that support household toilet standardization, industrial wastewater treatment, fecal sludge management, and combating cholera. An industrial wastewater survey was undertaken in 2021, which covered over 1000 industries within the City of Lusaka. The results will help with planning and decision-making for the protection of groundwater from pollution, the protection of sewerage infrastructure from unregulated discharge, and strengthening of enforcement by the relevant authorities.
With support from GFA, local authorities and the water utility company in Lusaka will empower communities in the planning and decision-making processes, and enable communities to meaningfully participate in their own development by clearly identifying development priorities and interventions.
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