The dairy value chain project in Kenya had four very lively and participated radio shows in two local radio stations assuring coverage over the entire working area of the project. The shows were designed to address milk producers, processors and consumers with key information on the importance of milk in nutrition, on milk quality and on the food safety aspects, related to milk. TV-features on the “making-of” the radio shows were produced by WEST-FM channel - you can watch them on Youtube (first video / second video). They are on Kisuaheli but it is interesting to follow some of the video scenes that are shown.
On behalf of the Green Innovation Centres for the Agriculture and Food Sector (GIAE) program of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), GFA consultants are implementing the dairy value chain component that aims at increasing productivity and income for smallholder dairy farmers in selected counties of Western Kenya. Financed by the German initiative One World Without Hunger, innovations and the alleviation of technical challenges is to strengthen the regional food supply. GFA develops and implements training modules on e.g. fodder production, feed formulation, feeding dairy cows, and calf rearing.
Project news, March 2021
Project in brief
#dairy #valuechain #Africa #agriculture #kenya #GIAE #GIZ