The FWC Unit at GFA was established in 2018. GFA is currently implementing the following Framework Contracts.

Services for the Implementation of External Aid (EU, 2018-2023)

© GFA The Services for the Implementation of External Aid (SIEA) is a game changer in EU-funded technical assistance. While in the past, EU framework contracts (FWCs) were limited to assignments up to 300,000 Euros, the maximum amount for a specific contract under SIEA was increased to 999,999 Euros. A wide range of services are provided under this contract, including analytical studies, elaboration of TOR and Action Documents, mid-term and final evaluations, and technical assistance. The contract covers a period of two years with an extension option of another two years. The beneficiary of a contract can be the European Commission Headquarters, one or more EU Delegations, and/or legal entities such as ministries in partner countries.

GFA is involved in four lots:

  • Lot 2: Infrastructure, sustainable growth, and jobs - with an indicative budget of 155 million Euros, GFA is a consortium partner
  • Lot 3: Human rights, democracy, and peace - with an indicative budget of 154 million Euros, GFA is the consortium lead
  • Lot 4: Human development and safety net - with an indicative budget of 73 million Euros, GFA is the consortium lead
  • Lot 5: Budget support - with an indicative budget of 63 million Euros, GFA is a consortium partner
Please find more information including the EU CV template in three languages at GFA FRAMEWORK CONTRACTS.

Consulting Services in Fragile Contexts (KfW, 2021-2025)

GFA is the lead of the consortium implementing the Framework Agreement (FWA), the new instrument of the KfW Development Bank (KfW) for the procurement of project preparatory studies and assessments in fragile and conflict affected states (FCAS). This particular environment requires changes to the Financial Cooperation (FC), which needs to go beyond the traditional project cycle, and adapt to the complex context via streamlining measures. Therefore, KfW developed a new instrument for the preparation and early implementation of projects and programs characterized by a high degree of flexibility and adaptability to specific challenges. This provides standardized, high-quality information for decision-making processes, leading to more efficient and sustainable implementation.

Project or program identification and preparation is essential groundwork for an efficient and sustainable project/program. This foundation comprises comprehensive analyses of social, economic, legal, cultural, educational, and political considerations, with the involvement of stakeholders and partners to maximize collective ownership and sharing. With its new instrument, the FWA, the KfW Development Bank aims to provide the background information required for efficient and sustainable implementation of the financed project or program, and ultimately to achieve the goals of Agenda 2030.
The FWA is a response to the increasing need for a “fast-track” mechanism to respond quickly to challenging scenarios, defined as a precarious situation of the target groups, fast-changing conditions, and the need to quickly commit and allocate funds. This would enable:

  • The efficient mobilization of experts and the accelerated production of high-quality deliverables
  • The development of specialized consulting services through long-term engagement
  • The provision of clearly structured and standardized analysis for challenging environments
  • The activation of sequential study modules independent of each other

Overview of the services

The geographical scope recognized by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) encompasses fragile states with an elevated potential for escalation, divided into three regions: Middle East, Afghanistan and Pakistan, Africa Francophone, and Africa Anglophone.
The procured services include the following modules

  1. Pre-feasibility studies (Pre-FS)
  2. Environmental and Social Due Diligence analysis (ESDD)
  3. Institutional analysis of designated Project Executing Agencies (PEA)
  4. Peace and Conflict Assessment (PCA)
  5. Target Groups and Project-Affected People assessment (ATG-PAP)

They include six sectors: water, energy, transport, health, education and peace building, crisis prevention and promotion of social coherence.

The specific modules

1.Pre-Feasibility Studies (Pre-FS)
The pre-feasibility study is the first step of the project cycle, where the future project or program strategy is translated into concepts. It is a complex, comprehensive analysis of information from multiple sources: political, economic, social, technological, and legal. It is based on guidelines and reporting requirements laid out by KfW directives, and set out in specific tools and instruments templates. These templates are used as a standard model for the pre-feasibility studies, that include a situational analysis of the country, stakeholder mapping, risk analysis, etc.
2.Environmental and Social Due Diligence analysis (ESDD)
To achieve sustainable goals, the ESDD analysis must be closely linked to the pre-feasibility study. This analysis is based on standard tools and instruments and requires a high level of communication and information sharing with the PEA, stakeholders, beneficiaries, community representatives, etc. Essentially, the aim is to identify synergies with other modules and assessments, such as the ATG-PAP and PCA, enabling a comprehensive analysis of all foreseeable environmental, social, health, and safety aspects of the proposed projects.

3. Institutional analysis of designated Project Executing Agencies (PEA)
The PEA assumes a vital role in managing all aspects of the project or program. Therefore, this module will analyze the PEA’s capacities and support needs, review its legal and institutional framework, and its capacity and ability to implement the project or program. The analysis will also outline the capacity development needs of the institution. This analysis is built upon a standard template for data and information collection.
4. Peace and Conflict Assessment (PCA)
The Peace and Conflict Assessment ensures that future projects and programs are designed and implemented with due consideration of underlying conflict factors, and follow the “do-not-harm” principle. It is systematic research, focusing on a specific region or theme, and it is closely linked to the Analysis of Target Group and Project Affected people (ATG-PAP). The assessment analyses the conflict drivers and their impact on the achievement of the project or program goals, and serves as a monitoring tool for prompt alignment with the project or program’s logic.
5. Analysis of Target Groups and Project-Affected People (ATG-PAP)
The ATG-PAP analysis aims to identify and describe potential beneficiaries, analyze development constraints and opportunities, and develop strategies to maximize potential and mitigate negative impacts. It should be built on findings from the other modules and is based on participation and ownership of the respected target group.

New contracts in 2023

In 2023, GFA was awarded two additional Framework Contracts.

© FG Trade | istockphoto Global Evaluation and Monitoring (FCDO, 2023-2026)

GFA is a partner in a consortium implementing the Global Evaluation and Monitoring Framework Agreement (GEMFA), the primary mechanism used by the U.K. Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) to carry out its monitoring and evaluation assignments.
GFA is contracted for service provision in two lots that aim to improve the impact and value for money of the FCDO’s development spending while supporting the effective delivery of the FCDO’s strategic objectives:

  • Lot 2 – Monitoring: independent monitoring and third-party monitoring
  • Lot 4 – Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL): all types of evaluation assignments that include both MEL, including the procurement of MEL units which act as learning partner, including other learning assignments
The framework covers the seven core themes and priorities for UK’s Overseas Development Assistance
  1. Climate change and biodiversity: a greener and cleaner path to growth in developing countries
  2. COVID and global health security: combat COVID-19 and support healthier and more resilient populations in developing countries
  3. Girls’ education: a global commitment to get 40 million girls into education and 20 million more girls reading by the age of 10
  4. Science, research, technology: deliver cutting-edge technology and research-led solutions in health, education, resilience, low carbon technologies, agriculture and economic development, conflict, and poverty
  5. Open societies and conflict resolution: strengthen democratic institutions, human rights, free media, and effective governance
  6. Humanitarian preparedness and response: lead stronger collective international response to crises and famine
  7. Trade and economic development: build trading and investment partners of the future
Geographical scope of services

  • Global coverage (including the UK)
  • Wide range of different geographic locations and contexts
  • Majority is likely to be ODA-eligible countries, including fragile and conflict affected states (FCAS)
  • The Foreign Secretary has emphasized a continuing focus on the Indo-Pacific region and Sub-Saharan Africa


GFA Consulting Group is a partner in a consortium implementing the Framework Contract for the provision of Consultancy Services to support bank and grant financed projects of the Council of Europe Development Bank (COB).

Scope of services

  • Preparatory services, such as preparation of technical documentation, pre-feasibility or feasibility studies, environmental impact assessments and related studies, and general assistance with project preparation, as well as management and procurement
  • Monitoring services: technical reviews and analysis, monitoring of technical specifications, or review of project implementation strategies.

Support of the InvestEU Advisory Hub

  • Project Advisory Services (PAS) under CEB’s Joint General Product for Social Inclusion: provide project development advisory support and accompanying measures to potential project sponsors or beneficiaries throughout the investment cycle to foster the origination, preparation, and implementation of projects.
  • InvestEU capacity building for strengthening microfinance institutions (MFIs): capacity-building support to MFIs to reinforce their social and financial reporting, including specialized consulting services, training and coaching, organization of study tours, exchange visits, and other activities that could contribute to strategic planning and strengthen the organizational performance.
  • Assistance and advice on the impacts of displacements of people from Ukraine: CEB will provide advisory, technical assistance, and capacity building support to InvestEU beneficiaries, in addressing the challenges of the large population movement across Europe as a result of the war in Ukraine.
  • Market assessment and pipeline identification in priority segments of CEB’s Debt Financial Product: contribute to the development of market-responsive solutions by identifying and quantifying possible market failures in terms of needs and related funding gaps in priority sectors and contribute to creating a pipeline of investment projects, which could be financed with InvestEU Fund’s support.
Areas of expertise

  • Migration: Support of refugees, migrants, displaced persons, and other vulnerable groups
  • Housing for low-income persons: social and affordable housing
  • Urban and regional development, resilient cities
  • Water supply, sanitation
  • Sustainable waste management
  • Energy-efficiency, sustainable energy
  • Sustainable public transport
  • Natural or ecological disasters, disaster response, and risk management


Christian Caspar
FWC Unit Manager
+49 40 60306718


English French Spanish