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Posted on 23 Feb, 2024 by Anja Desai

On 24 February two years ago, Russia invaded Ukraine. Through its staff and projects, GFA has long individual and professional ties to the country. As Europeans, colleagues and partners, GFA personnel is committed to supporting Ukraine’s path to peace, prosperity and EU accession.

Since the beginning of the war, GFA has adapted ongoing projects implemented on behalf of a range of donors to respond to peoples’ needs. In Kyiv, the company has posted a dedicated project liaison person supporting work with Ukrainian authorities, international donors and local partners and experts. At its headquarters in Hamburg, GFA has set up a cross-departmental Europe/Ukraine portfolio focusing on Ukraine that pools in-house expertise across essential sectors of service provision. The portfolio also covers EU accession countries such as Moldova, Georgia, and countries of the Western Balkans to draw on experiences of other countries.

In this newsletter, GFA highlights a selection of ongoing projects related to health, cyber security, water supply and energy, and reflects on challenges raised by implementing projects in a war environment. Despite the hardships, GFA experts and their local partners have come up with innovations and solutions to achieve projects’ objectives and the aspirations of the Ukrainian people. The bottom line of these efforts is that in globally challenging times like these, social cohesion and civil cooperation are more important than ever.

This is how GFA stands by the people of Ukraine. This is how GFA as a company and as individual experts strive to contribute to Ukraine’s peace, recovery and future prosperity in the European family of nations.

> Here you can read the GFA Newsletter 02/2024

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