Posted on 2 Dec, 2020 by Judith Lauzemis

The Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA) is hosted every year during the Green Week in Berlin by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL). The forum features a large number of events that provide an international audience of experts from of politics, business, science and civil society with an opportunity to address and reach consensus on issues and challenges relating to global agricultural policy and food security. Historically our Bilateral Cooperation Project in Berlin organizes one expert panel. Due to Covid-19 the GFFA will take place in a virtual format on the 18-22 January, 2021. This year’s topic is: “How can agriculture provide the world long-term with food for a balanced diet despite pandemics and climate change”.

We are happy to announce that our colleagues in Berlin together with GIZ organize the Expert Panel 8 to discuss the role of the seed sector in strengthening the resilience of agricultural production. The panel is scheduled on the 20th January from 8:00 to 9:00 am