Biodiversity and climate change in the Mata Atlântica
The project was funded by the German Environment Ministry (BMU) through funds of the International Climate Initiative. It aimed to consolidate selected mosaics of protected areas in the mitigation of climate change and to help to adapt to its effects in the region of the Atlantic Forest along the Brazilian coast. In addition, it aimed to rise awareness in the relevant institutions of the relation between biodiversity and climate change, and create a basis for policy approaches. The mosaics of protected areas are important instruments for spatial planning strategically oriented to the conservation of the ecosystem.
The project secured important ecosystem services which are useful economically, e.g. for safeguarding water supply for agriculture and urban supply, and for human settlements. In addition, the social adaptability to the impacts of climate change was strengthened.
Project objectives:
- Creation of climate-sensitive development scenarios and vulnerability analyses to design ecosystem-based measures to mitigate and adapt to climate change (100,000 ha) climate-sensitive orientation of planning instruments (reserve planning and spatial planning in communities, states and at the federal level),
- strengthening the capacity of local and national actors to procure a widely effective implementation of economic incentive mechanisms and strategies for ecosystem-based mitigation and adaptation,
- promote the implementation of priority actions for ecosystem-based mitigation and adaptation to climate change,
- formulation of specific objectives for biodiversity conservation, restoration of degraded land and climate protection in the Mata Atlântica based on the lessons learned of the project.