TVET Reform - Pre- and in-service teacher training
GFA worked with the University of the Punjab and the University of Kaiserslautern within the framework of a GIZ and EU funded project to improve the quality of TVET teacher training in Pakistan by implementing a bachelor program in Technical Education and a national in-service training scheme for 8,500 TVET teachers. As for the in-service training scheme, GFA opted for a blended learning approach. Supported by 100 trained tutors, the in-service program offers self-study with tutor-assisted face-to-face sessions, delivered through 18 E-learning rooms nationwide.
The TVET Reform Support Program in Pakistan was organized in five components:
- Support to NAVTTC and TEVTAs to improve TVET governance and TVET management;
- implementation of an NQF, generation of curricula and HR Development (HRD);
- setting up a "Skills Information System" as well as career guidance and counselling;
- capacity development of TEVTAs; and (5) promotion of cooperative training schemes.
The objectives of the GFA part of component 2 were to set up a professional system for in-service and pre-service TVET teacher training and to develop curricula with particular emphasis on renewable energies.
The blended learning approach combined face-to-face training, self-study, industry placement and teaching practice through an online platform. Supported by 100 trained tutors, the in-service program offered self-study with tutor-assisted face-to-face sessions, delivered through the E-Learning centers nationwide. GFA conducted ToTs for the tutors, equipped the E-learning centres, set up a stipend fund and monitored learning efforts by each teacher very closely. GFA concluded the program successfully by reaching out to 10,000 teachers. Today, this training is conducted in a sustainable manner by the relevant authorities.