Study on build-up of a hydrogen market in Nigeria

GIZ, 2022 - 2023
Contract value: 106,180 EUR

The study on "the policy and regulation framework for the build-up of a hydrogen market in Nigeria (Global Hydrogen Diplomacy/H2-Diplo)" provided an overview of the current regulatory and policy framework of the renewable and fossil sector in Nigeria. It identified gaps that hinder the market ramp up for green hydrogen and provided recommendations to address these barriers. The creation of a domestic hydrogen market in Nigeria relies on the definition of a regulatory and technical framework of the H2 industry. GFA´s services: 

  • Benchmark analysis: State international best practices for PtX regulations and standards along the value chain for key PtX products/derivatives; Analyze the existing regulatory benchmarks and derive best-practices transferable to Nigeria.
  • Review of regulatory framework and regulatory bodies in Nigeria: Preparation of a literature review on the topic; review existing regulatory framework in Nigeria; highlight Nigeria’s potential for the build-up of a hydrogen market and characteristics .
  • Needs assessment of the policy and strategic framework in Nigeria, including hydrogen demand & supply; stakeholders’ definition of H2 scope; relation to the existing policy framework; recommendations on the priority for further research; infrastructure; bottlenecks in ramping up renewable energy systems, etc. 
  • Policy roadmap: Based on the opportunities and priorities identified and recommended, outline the needs for further research on the institutional and regulatory framework, R&D, training, and capacity building levers; compile a roadmap that formulates and prioritizes policy recommendations to address these needs; identify key players and suggest their potential role, including national and international industrial players likely to support this sector.


Renewable Hydrogen
Energy Efficiency


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