Multi-sectoral program for food security in Togo - SEWOH ProSecAl II
The aim of the multi-sectoral program for food security in Togo (ProSecAl) is to improve the nutritional status of children (0-23 months) and their mothers (15-49 years) in the Maritime and Kara regions of Togo. We are working to improve the nutritional situation of 15,500 pregnant women and mothers and 5,800 young children, who will have access not only to adequate calorie intake, but also to healthy and nutritious foods that are critical to their physical and mental well-being.
The four pillars of food security – access, availability, use and recovery and stability of supply – must be guaranteed. Reasons for food insecurity vary from region to region, but cultural factors, lack of food awareness, lack of hygiene and lack of public health services play a key role.
GFA is responsible for coordinating the entire program in Togo. The necessary measures are complex and target not only food, but also drinking water, hygiene and sanitation, health, nutritional awareness and social security. There will be training for community health workers, agricultural consultants and other key stakeholders working together to raise awareness among the target group. We use a community-based approach to increase the knowledge of the targeted women and put nutrition and food security on the agenda of the local authorities, and consequently invest great effort to achieve a sustainable impact of our awareness-raising campaign. An important task is the cooperation and active support of the Togolese Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Agriculture in their respective implementation and commitment to international food security initiatives such as Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) and AGIR. Best practices from the project will be used for these processes.
The project team works closely with public health centres to multiply the impact of comparable campaigns conducted by local NGOs with local grants. In addition, the project team accompanies the technical implementation and monitoring of local funding contracts with NGOs managed by GIZ.