Business Development Services on Green Economy
The project has been part of Green Action in Enterprises (GAIN) to support stakeholders in the introduction of green economy approaches to the industrial sector in Jordan. GFA in partnership with WEE Pros JO has been responsible for the component Creating a Green Business Development Ecosystem. The latter has aimed at strengthening the capacities of business development service (BDS) providers and their networks, and to deliver green BDS to Jordanian industrial enterprises. GAIN partners have been, inter alia, the Ministry of Environment, the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Supply, the Jordan Chamber of Industry, and the Jordan Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Fund.
The project has combined several technical support areas including private sector development, energy, water, climate, etc., to make production frameworks more environmentally friendly, resource efficient, and sustainable. The industrial enterprises covered five sectors, namely food processing, textiles, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and packaging. Companies targeting enhanced energy efficiency, solid waste management and water recycling were consulted by GFA experts. The project has focused on medium to large industrial companies since they were considered large polluters in terms of waste generation, water and energy usage, and greenhouse gas emissions. Working with such companies creates a higher chance for co-finance investments into cleaner production.
The project has applied a multilevel approach to capacity development related to the following outputs:
- Output 1 has promoted capacities at the state level to develop and implement policy instruments that foster more environmentally friendly production.
- Output 2 has strengthened the capacities of selected service providers regarding technical and financial support in environmentally friendly and resource efficient production, i.e. green BDS.
- Output 3 has supported selected companies in the implementation of environmental protection and resource-saving production measures. Coaching service providers in the deployment of advisory services to companies has helped consolidate capacity building measures at the meso level.
GFA has been responsible for achieving the objectives of Output 2. To this end, GFA experts from different departments have worked with local partners to match the interdisciplinary scope of the project that has cut across a variety of technical support areas. One of the tangible highlights of their work has been a report (see link) on the supply of and demand for green BDS by medium to large-sized firms in selected industrial sectors in Jordan published by GIZ in late 2022.

Report: Green Business Development Services for Jordan´s Industrial Sector