Solar thermal plants for power generation (DKTI-CSP-BRA)

GIZ, 2013 - 2014
Contract value: 248,240 EUR

As part of the German Climate Technology Initiative (DKTI), the project "Solar thermal power generation systems" supports the Brazilian government to create the conditions for the development and dissemination of solar thermal power generation with concentrating solar power (CSP).

With the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation ( MCTI ) as the coordinating partner GIZ pursues the following approach:
• Legal and regulatory framework. In collaboration with policy-making institutions of the energy sector, such as energy planning authority EPE or the regulatory authority ANEEL, frameworks are developed, for instance environmental licensing, technical regulations, methodological contributions to the energy auction design, integration of R & D, and the introduction of new medium- and long-term energy planning methods for CSP.
• Development and implementation of training programs and curricula on academic and technical level.
• German-Brazilian university partnerships provide an important impetus for the integration of the CSP into the national research and development context.
• The cooperation between the Brazilian and German industrial sector creates and provides awareness of synergies between businesses and potential joint ventures.
• The development of a broad sectoral CSP network through the support and guidance of the German-Brazilian multi-stakeholder dialogue fosters the interdisciplinary and transnational introduction of CSP.

The GFA Consulting Group (with Fichtner) was responsible for the action line "CSP energy planning methods" within the component "Legal and Regulatory Framework". The contract included the technical support of the Brazilian Energy Planning Authority (Empresa de Pesquisa Energética - EPE) for the integration of CSP-specific aspects in the tasks of the EPE, e.g. preparation of energy auctions, evaluation of CSP projects proposed within these auctions, required solar measurement standards, geo-referenced potential analysis, etc.
The action line had the following indicators:
1 A georeferenced model presenting the technical CSP potential has been set up in Brazil and has been tested with real data.
2 At least two instruments for technical and economic evaluation of CSP plants are used by the Energy Planning Authority EPE .
3 At least 2 training courses regarding CSP have been organized and carried out for specialists in EPE.


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