Business development services and clusters to MSME

GIZ, 2015 - 2017
Contract value: 1,436,230 EUR

This project was the third phase of the program "Taahil al Moukawalat - Promotion of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (TAM PME-TPE)". The module objective of the TAM PME-TPE was to improve public services, public and private funding programs and financial services for Moroccan SMEs. The module consisted of three fields of action:

1. The field of action Economic policy environment worked on macroeconomic issues such as improving the business climate at the national level and reducing bureaucratic hurdles for the entrepreneurial activity of MSMEs. The project provided advisory services at the national policy level.

2. The field of action business services, promotion of clusters and networks aimed to support actors at the meso-level, i. e. intermediary organizations such as cluster and network structures. These structures were to be built and supported in order to enable them to offer sustainable services to business start-ups and for the growth of MSMEs.

3. The field of action Financial systems development supported the formulation and implementation of a strategy for financial inclusion at the national level. This was expected to improve the use and quality of financial services for MSMEs and to facilitate their access to financing possibilities.

GFA implemented the second field "business services, promotion of clusters and networks". The aim of this field of action was to improve business development services for the creation and qualitative growth of enterprises.


MSME and Job Creation


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