Decentralisation for Development (D4D) IV Zambia

GIZ, 2021 - 2023
Contract value: 2,099,904 EUR

GFA is set to make significant contributions toward achieving specific module targets aimed at enhancing local governance and development. The focus is on facilitating local governments in various provinces, particularly in Luapula, to prepare and implement new development projects that align with local strategies and prioritize the needs of disadvantaged groups. Specifically, 12 local governments in the project areas, with five in Luapula Province, are expected to prepare the necessary documents for 20 new development projects. This initiative is part of a broader effort to boost local revenue growth, with a target for 10 local governments, including three in Luapula Province, to surpass GDP growth through increased local income and performance-based fiscal transfers between the fiscal years 2023 and 2024. Moreover, theres a strategic push for 12 local governments to allocate 50% of their 2025 investment budgets to citizen-oriented service improvements developed through participatory methods.

GFAs role is critical in realizing these ambitions, with their performance measured against specific outputs. These include enhancing the capacity of local governments to manage development processes, with 15 local governments, 5 of which are in Luapula Province, expected to adopt and implement new measures to improve financial capacity based on a local development strategy. Another key area is improving citizen participation in development processes, aiming for a 20% increase in gender-sensitive participation in 12 local governments, and the publication of participatory budget reports by 10 local governments for fiscal years 2023 and 2024. Furthermore, efforts to strengthen the conditions for improving local public service provision are underway, with 12 local governments set to implement new, scalable interventions to enhance service delivery.

These concerted efforts underscore a comprehensive approach to local governance and development, emphasizing strategic planning, financial autonomy, participatory governance, and enhanced service provision to meet the needs of local communities, including those who are disadvantaged.

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