Technical-regulatory advisory to enhace RE-based share in electricity grids
The main objective of the project is to increase the demand for technological, regulatory, and workforce solutions among key actors in the electricity sector to achieve an environmentally sustainable and climate-friendly energy transition.
The project follows two main outputs and their indicators:
- Key actors in the electricity sector have examined solutions for the grid integration of larger shares of renewable energy (RE). Output indicator: A total of four solutions for the grid integration of large shares of RE have been analyzed by grid operators or ministries responsible for energy from four Western Balkan countries in regional exchanges.
- Key actors in the electricity sector have examined options for establishing conducive framework conditions for a transition to renewable energy in the Western Balkans. Output indicator: A total of four options for improving the regulatory framework for RE have been analyzed by ministries responsible for energy, regulators, and grid operators from four Western Balkan countries in regional exchanges.