Support to Jordanian education providers in offering market-oriented cooperative training programs phase 2

GIZ, 2021 - 2023
Contract value: 3,255,800 EUR

The GIZ-funded project MOVEā€HET aimed to increase the labor market relevance of the TVET and higher education in Jordan. The project was divided into three fields of action:

  1. Strengthening of the information base for improved cooperation between the players in two sectors of the future
  2. Partnerships between universities and companies for improved employment prospects
  3. Establishment of a center of excellence as a model institution for cooperative vocational training.

The MOVE-HET project supported and encouraged the involvement of the private sector in TVET by supporting the establishment of National Sector Skills Councils which are putting the labor market in the driver seat and the establishment of Centers of Excellence which are viewed as a best practice cooperation between private sector and TVET providers. Moreover, it supported the implementation of the National Qualifications Framework and the concept of permeability between different educational and training streams. In an effort to mitigate the persistent gap in access to quality education, this project offered a multipronged approach and creative solutions to providing access to TVET and HE opportunities using innovative approaches to increase youth employment in Jordan.

GFA supported the below GIZ Components that aimed at:

  • Component A: enhancing governance of the TVET sector in Jordan by coordinating the efforts from different donors, implementing agencies and governmental institutions
  • Component B: strengthening work-integrated dual studies at higher education
  • Component C: establishment and strengthening cooperation between TVET institutions and private sector companies, and the institutionalization of in-company training
  • Component D: establishment of two TVET institutes to become Centre of Excellence (CoEs) in the sectors of logistics and car maintenance.


Tvet & Skills Development


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