Youth employment promotion and vocational education and training for marginalized youth (CaPAZ)
The regional programe "Promotion of Youth Employment, Education and Vocational Training of Marginalized Youth for the Prevention of Youth Violence in Central America (CaPAZ)", implemented by GIZ, improved the social resilience and employability of young people to prevent youth violence in selected municipalities with high levels of violence in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador. CaPAZ belonged to the German Cooperations framework of action "Prevention of Violence" and was implemented as part of the regional program "Prevention of Youth Violence and Creation of Safe Spaces in Central America". The program had three lines of work (outputs):
1. Promoting the mainstreaming of approaches to Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (SMAPS or MHPSS) and conflict resolution in vocational training services and the labor market and strengthen the capacities of staff in key institutions for vocational training and employment mediation for young people.
2. Improvement of the conditions for vocational training and further education opportunities in the local labor market by developing mobile and virtual training offers so as to improve access for young people in vulnerable contexts.
3. Encouraging of the participation of the private sector in intersectoral networks to articulate efforts and promote measures that reduce discrimination against young people in municipalities with high levels of violence and that strengthen the resilience of the youth population.
GFA was responsible for the implementation of the cross-cutting output tasks impact-oriented monitoring and knowledge management. In addition, the contractor made central contributions in the fields of product development within the above-mentioned first output (mental health and psychosocial support) as well as Output 2 (vocational education and training for young people).