Decentralisation processes in the education sector in Honduras (APRODE)
Honduras faces the challenge of improving access to the entire educational cycle, providing inclusive quality education for all and reducing educational disadvantage. There is a need to increase the efficiency of the education system, especially at decentralised level, and to improve transparency. In order to counteract these deficits, the aim is to strengthen the organisational structures and the decentralisation process, especially of the departments important for educational reform, the district school directorates and associated working groups, as well as the participation of civil society in decentralised administrative processes, external control and school development, so that the performance of the education system and thus the quality of education is improved. School networks are being further developed to guarantee children and young people, especially from rural and indigenous backgrounds, equal and inclusive access to the entire basic education cycle. The module objective is to built up at central and decentral levels the individual and institutional capacities for improving the quality of education. The project is divided into five fields of action:
- Managing the decentralised education system more transparently.
- Introducing cooperation processes between decentralised education administrations, municipalities and the private sector, in order to improve the quality of education.
- School networks offer higher quality services.
- Integrating childrens rights, indigenous peoples rights and gender equality into educational provision.
- Implementing currently a regional training program for specialists in the education administration.