Decentralization and deconcentration process
The project aimed to bolster Tunisias territorial development and minimize regional disparities within the decentralization process by enhancing the capabilities of decentralization-deconcentration actors and facilitating the implementation of reform measures. Linked to the IPDLI and CAP2D initiatives, funded by the EU, this program aligned with coordinated support for decentralization and territorial development from 2017 to 2020. Targeting decentralization and development actors, including central and decentralized state services and municipalities, the program provided advisory assistance, financial support, and oversight, while also engaging citizens.
The expected outcomes included the preparation of strategy documents and implementing texts essential for executing the Local Authorities Code and related legislative measures. Additionally, the program aimed to enhance actors understanding of their roles and responsibilities within the reform, equipping them with the necessary capacities and practical experience to fulfill their duties effectively.