Family planning and awareness, phase II
The "Family Planning and Sensitization" project, the result of cooperation between Niger and Germany, focuses on sexual and reproductive health. The second phase of the project is being implemented in accordance with the financing agreement between Niger and KfW and a separate agreement with ANIMAS-SUTURA. The primary beneficiaries are women and men of reproductive age (15-49 years), with a focus on youth and vulnerable populations such as sex professionals, the army, and migrants along routes and at migration sites.
KfWs financial contribution is intended to improve the target groups access to SRH services, the distribution/sale of health commodities, and awareness/behavior change communication (BCC). The project will continue to promote positive attitudes among the target groups towards family planning, reducing early marriages and keeping young girls in school, while raising awareness of the risks of unwanted pregnancies and STIs/HIV/AIDS, especially among adolescents.
This second phase builds on the achievements of the first phase and includes new interventions. It will focus on raising awareness of SRH/FP among students and migrants in collaboration with relevant ministries, especially the Ministry of Primary Education. Another focus will be on menstrual hygiene, which is essential for girls to attend school and to prevent early marriage and pregnancy. Finally, GFA will support ANIMAS-Sutura in strengthening its institutional and financial structure.