Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Forest Management Programme, phase IV
The German financial cooperation project with the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) "Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Forest Management Programme, Phase IV" (PBF IV), provides technical, financial and administrative advice to the Congolese Institut for Nature Conservation (ICCN) regarding the management of six protected areas (PAs):
- The Lomami National Park (PNL)
- The Kahuzi-Biega National Park (PNKB)
- The Okapi Wildlife Reserve (RFO)
- The Kundelungu National Park (PNKL), formerly part of the Upemba-Kundelungu Complex (CUK) with the Upemba National Park (PNU)
- The Salonga National Park (PNS)
- The Ngiri Triangle Natural Reserve (RNTN)
The PNS and RNTN are co-managed by WWF. The management of the other four PAs is directly supported by the GFA team. The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the protection of biodiversity and sustainable management of tropical forests by reducing poverty in the areas concerned, in order to contribute to the protection and sustainable use of forest resources in the DRC.
The financial contribution is intended for the following components: Improved management and monitoring of protected areas; follow-up and coordination of biomonitoring research; and improvement of the living conditions of local communities through community conservation. GFA also supports ICCN in financial management, contracting and coordination.
Photo: M. Boutros