Protected Areas and Biodiversity (APDB-phase I and II)
The project pursues the objective to consolidate and extend the National Natural Park System (“SPNN”) under integrity, representativeness and effectiveness criteria.
The project covers investments and measures within the frame of the following components:
- Improvement of the effectiveness of the management of the protected selected protected areas within the frame of the project;
- establishment of new marine coastal protected areas;
- strengthening of schemes for the conservation and sustainable use of natural resources in the protected areas and their buffer zones;
- strengthening of the institutional and financial sustainability of the National Natural Parks System (“SPNN”).
The protected areas selected for phase I and II of the program cover 37 areas, which are located in the Pacific Territorial Directorate, the Western Andes and Orinoquia Directorates; the North Eastern Andes Directorates and the Caribbean Directorates. With these measures, the project is supposed to contribute to the protection and sustainable management of the environment and the natural resources for an integral and sustainable development of the country and the improvement of the quality of life of the Colombian population.