Biodiversity Conservation in Mexico’s Volcanic Belt (COBEN)
The federal and state protected natural areas (PAs) authorities should improve the quality of biodiversity conservation in Mexico’s Volcanic Belt. The overall project was executed by GIZ with funds provided by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), and the Mexican counterpart was CONANP. The project’s target group was the rural population inside PAs and their surroundings, as well as the urban population that benefits from environmental services provided by the PAs
The project’s four components were:
- Promotion of a regional coordination platform between Federal and state agencies in charge of biodiversity, natural resources and PAs.
- Capacity building in the National Commission for Protected Natural Areas (CONANP) and other institutions through organizational development and staff training.
- Establishment of a knowledge and information base on an internet portal about Biodiversity and PA connectivity in the region and strengthening of coope¬ration with science sector.
- Development of common criteria and guidelines between PA, forestry, agricultural and water management authorities, to evaluate impacts of existing incentive programs which aim at promotion of ecosystem services. Design of pilot projects for biodiversity conservation and sustainable resource use that consider gender, and climate change aspects.
The GFA-IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature) consortium (lead by GFA) carries out component 4 of the project.