Program for the sustainable management of natural resources in Cameroon - PSMNR phase IV
The purpose of the project is the sustainable forest and wildlife management by affected stakeholders in and around Mt Cameroun NP, Korup NP, Takamanda NP, Bayang Mbo Wildlife Sanctuary (WS) and since 2018 the Bakossi NP for their benefit, with special emphasis on the poorer segments of the local population. This is to contribute to the preservation of high-value ecosystems in the South West Region, thereby sustainably contributing to improved livelihoods of surrounding communities.
More than hundred villages in the buffer zone around the national parks and the wildlife sanctuary are involved in collaborative park management and benefit from village development investments. Other activities relate to the monitoring of the forest management of concessions, the establishment and management of the council and community forest as well as the working out and implementation of land use conflict management strategies between various stakeholders. Sustainable financing mechanism for the national park management are developed as part of the exit strategy of the program. In this fourth phase of the program, with the creation of the Conservation Task Force, more emphasis will be put on law enforcement in the conservation areas in oder to reduce poaching pressure and sustain the numbers of threatened species.
GFA acts as fund manager and program coordinator in support of the Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife. The complex program is a cooperation between the Ministry in charge, KfW, GIZ, WCS and WWF. The main role of GFA is to advise and support the ministry in the management and coordination of the program as well as to administer the disposition fund and the program component community forest. The fourth phase of the programme started in June 2018 and is scheduled until mid 2022. The programs activities will focus in the following years geographically more on the Mount Cameroon Nation Park, Buea and Limbe.