Capacity building for the aquaculture sector

GIZ, 2021 - 2024
Contract value: 1,161,065 EUR

The Cambodia Country Package (CP CAM - Fishing for Food Security in Cambodia) contributed measurable results to all three GP Fish Action Areas. In line with the module objective for CP CAM, Cambodias food-insecure population gained better access to more fish products and increased income from sustainable, resource-efficient pond aquaculture and rice-field fisheries. Action areas were defined as follows:

  • More fish, more jobs: Increasing both production and associated employment opportunities in small-scale aquaculture.
  • Sustainable fish: Improving the policy framework and innovations for the implementation of sustainable, resource-efficient aquaculture and community fish refuge (CFR), rice field fisheries in Cambodia.
  • Reduce IUU (illegal, unreported, unregulated) fish: Ensure adoption of transparent procedures by village communities to manage rice-field fisheries and ensure compliance through monitoring.

This project related to the component of promoting sustainable aquaculture (mainly in the direction of more fish, more work). It focused on promoting small-scale pond aquaculture, including extensive and semi-intensive fish farming at the household level, as well as capacity development of hatcheries in the intervention area. The target group included existing fish farmers with several years of experience as well as resettled people starting fish farming as a new business.


Agriculture - Stimulating Growth
Skills Development In Agriculture
One Health


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