Development of natural and economic areas in Taï and Comoé

Ivory Coast
GIZ, 2016 - 2020
Contract value: 3,345,723 EUR

The focus of PROFIAB II was on agricultural value chain promotion in the periphery of two national parks, Taï and Comoé and on protection and conservation of both parks. The agricultural sector plays a significant role in the economy of the country with around 68% of the population making their living from agriculture. This is why the project focused on the promotion of agricultural value chains. However, non-sustainable use of the available resources threatens the soil fertility and increases the risk of decreasing yields. Low productivity and insufficient employment opportunities in the traditional agricultural sector lead to poverty and food insecurity.
The chosen approach therefore aimed to increase the competitiveness of the selected value chains in general and to specifically support small-scale farmers, women and youth by creating employment and income in order to achieve pro-poor growth. According to the principles of sustainable poverty reduction, strong links were established between value chain development and ecological sustainability. Production procedures that protect the environment and promote biodiversity were encouraged in the production of goods for the local, the domestic and the export market.

In the context of sustainability, methods and techniques shall be disseminated by intermediary organizations which were trained by the project team to take on this role in the future. Around the Taï national park, the focus was on the value chains cocoa, palm oil and cassava, whereas around Comoé national park the focus was on vegetables and cashew. The support of the local authorities concerning the protection of the national parks focused on the following activities:

  • to engage in a dialog with the local population;
  • to create awareness for the necessity to promote sustainable management of forests;
  • to introduce and establish measures to do so.

The target group comprised farmers in the periphery of the two national parks who were expected to exploit the parks in a less damaging way while at the same time being supported in increasing the agricultural productivity in the adjacent areas of the parks. Intermediary agents in government institutions, NGOs and the private sector were strategically strengthened in order to support the population by providing services and business relations and to create thus employment opportunities.


Agriculture - Stimulating Growth


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