Carbon map and model project
The Forest Climate Partnership Facility (FCPF) managed by the World Bank was a multilateral initiative to pioneer performance based payments within the framework of Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+). The FCPF managed 1.19 billion USD with the German Federal Republic being the biggest single financier. This initiative based on the recognition of the international community that the GHG emissions from Land Use Change (LUC) amount to approx. 20% of global emissions. The Carbon Map and Model project supported the Government of DRC, represented by the National REDD+ Coordination Committee (CN-REDD) in the development of its FCPF Program. DRC’s program became the first (and so far only) program to be accepted by FCPF and its donor countries involving a total funding volume of 170M USD (grants).