Water Sector Reform Program - Water management

GIZ, 2014 - 2016
Contract value: 999,534 EUR

The TC program advised the Ministry of Environment, Water and Natural Resources (MEWNR), relevant sector institutions and water utilities in three fields of intervention: (a) sector framework conditions, (b) service provision through sector institutions and water utilities as well as (c) integrated water resources management and environmental protection.

The consultant supported and advised the project partners, specifically the Water Services Trust Fund (WSTF) in the planning, organization and implementation of the program with regard to the achievement of the module objective in the following areas:

1. Further development and implementation of the up-scaling concept for improved access to basic sanitation for the urban poor population through the WSTF in close cooperation with the GIZ team and in close coordination with KfW (FC) and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
2. Continued implementation and improvement of the pro-poor up-scaling concept (UPC – Urban Project Concept) for improved water supply and improved access to public sanitation facilities through the WSTF in close cooperation with KFW (FC) and the EU.
3. Organization and process-related advisory services of the WSTF within the UPC financial framework.
4. Maintenance and improvement of the existing data base “Maji Data” as well as of the UPC information system (UPC-IS) in cooperation with staff of the WSTF and the regulator WASREB in order to ensure transparent reporting of the partner organisation.


Water For Life


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