Coordination and technical support of the accountability program - Phase 2
The Redevabilité program aims to create an environment in which civil society organizations, citizens and the media interact with public authorities to provide better basic services to the population. Financed by the Swiss Cooperation in Benin, its approach is to strengthen demand, supply and their interface at both local and national levels.
The overall objective of the program is that "citizens will increasingly enjoy their socio-economic and political rights, thanks to the systematization of the demand for and supply of accountability and the effectiveness of regulatory and supervisory institutions". This goal is broken down into four outcomes (specific objectives) and 15 outputs (products).
The program is planned for a period of 12 years, divided into three phases of 4 years each, and is currently in its second phase, which started on 01 July 2020 with the operator GFA Consulting Group. The mandate of the implementing operator includes: overall and strategic coordination, management of the Fonds de Soutien aux Initiatives de Redevabilité (FoSIR), capacity building and monitoring - evaluation and capitalization of the program.
Bulletin Information 2022 no 1
Bulletin Information 2022 no 2
Bulletin Information 2022 no 3