SMMR II - Sustainable mobility in medium-sized metropolitan regions
The aim of the follow-up project was to orient transport planning and management of ASEAN metropolitan regions in a demand-oriented and sustainable manner in accordance with the principles of the Avoid-Shift-Improve approach. The project therefore focused on anchoring sustainable mobility approaches and integrated spatial and transport planning in metropolitan regions in the awareness and actions of selected metropolitan regions and relevant ASEAN working groups. It strengthened the necessary capacities and governance in metropolitan regions and disseminated learning experiences in the ASEAN region. The project operated in four fields of action: It supported the introduction of regional forms of governance in metropolitan regions and develops integrated transport concepts based on this. A regional learning process between metropolitan regions disseminated knowledge for action beyond the partner metropolitan regions. At ASEAN level, actions from regional strategies were implemented that promote sustainable mobility in metropolitan regions, e.g. the development of regional guidelines for a better integration of transport and spatial planning.