Improved Service Delivery (ISD) for Citizens in Cambodia
The objective of the Cambodian-German-Swiss ISD program financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation Development (BMZ) and the Swiss Development Cooperation is for districts and municipalities in selected provinces to use strategies and improved processes for service delivery in priority sectors. The program collaborates with the Secretariat of the National Committee Subnational Democratic (NCDD-S), other line ministries, local governments of Battambang, Siem Reap and Banteay Meanchey provinces and non-governmental organizations. Key strategic areas are waste and water management, health, administrative services and fiscal decentralization. The GFA component contributes to reforms of One-Window-Service-Offices (OWSO) implemented in municipalities and districts in accordance with the requirements of the national decentralization reform. Access of citizens is accelerated by means of digitized and mobile OWSO services that particularly benefit disadvantaged groups. Complaint mechanisms at the district and municipal level and access to decision-making processes is a key element strengthened in all of GFA’s work. Based on participatory processes, GFA also assists selected districts and municipalities in three partner provinces to develop climate-sensitive water and waste management strategies.