Promotion of youth employment and vocational training
Graduates of TVET in Kenya often struggle to find gainful employment. Vocational training offers are often theory-oriented and do not meet the demands of the private sector. The project “Promotion of Youth Employment and TVET“ introduced employment-oriented cooperative TVET programs in Kenya. GFA developed and piloted two three-year cooperative vocational training courses at level 6 of the Kenyan National Qualification Framework to be implemented in two vocational training centers in Busia and Nyamira. At the center of the approach was the workplace as a place of learning, whereby up to 70% of the learning took place in partner companies. In cooperation with the private sector, curricula for Plant Automation and Automotive Mechanics were developed or updated to meet the demand of the labor market, teaching and learning materials were developed, and we improved the capacity of TVET teachers and in-company instructors to implement the cooperative training approach. To ensure quality and sustainability, the GFA team worked closely with partner companies and schools in piloting the first cohorts of the new vocational training offer.